Essential Tremors

Adjusting technology to the user is the point we are at.

You are here either yourself or you know someone suffering from Essential tremors. We are not able to stop the tremors we are here to change the technology to better suit the clients.

In my work with clients I find the clients do not know what can be changed it need to be my expertise to offer changes to the system. Therefor in this post I want share the indicators and the changes I make to make the experience of technology a wonderful experience.

It is important to see the clients home. We need to see the living circumstances the home environment will guide you to a more holistic decision on particular changes.

Seeing the design of the home you will understand the movements of the person. In some cases you will find the person is just getting through narrow areas with a walking frame as well as having essential tremors.

Sometimes the reports seem to be missing particular circumstantial information effecting the clients lifestyle. The importance of the home visit can not be underestimated. You will find from technology companies they like to complete everything over the phone from random countries as a bonus.

Accessing Devices

In assessing the adjustments to the technology you may find fundamental access issues with the technology. There is a appreciation for the security to the individual however, with the overcomplicated password and PIN can stop the usage of the device. Multiple times I have see clients battling to access the technology.

Recommendation and implementation of setting up face recognition is a great solution for essential tremors. In placing the configuration some devices will need the lift screen on selection added as well. This additional automation automatically turns on the phone screen with out the need for buttons. Set this up for every device in the house!

Wi-Fi Passwords.

Assisting the clients with personal management of devices and connections. I would expect you have experienced the massive Wi-FI passwords imagine for a second having essential tremors and trying to type SDASE%VTY%T&^H^W%HGSRTY into a mobile device. It’s just too hard and the font size on the modem is ridiculously small.

You need to access the device and change the password to something pronounceable and easy to remember. Then write this new password on the bottom of the modem in a good size.

Coaching the client of where to find the password and having the virtual assistant remember the password is a great method of supporting the client.

Mobile Phone Launchers

A launcher is a skin for the phone thinking it like a theme for the whole phone. I have found clients who have been recommended a launcher that takes over the operation of the phone. The problem with launcher in this case it was just a advertising and marketing experiment. They can be hard to remove. Best method is to install the google launcher to take over the device. The Google Launcher offers simple and clean layout and is available across all Android devices. Cleaner than the Samsung launcher.

The key here is don’t get tricky with additional software use large platform common software it is usually well thought out.

SMS and Messages.

Essential tremors from my experience the keyboard on the device can be particularly adding complexity to the communications. While watching the clients trying to answer the messages the control and differing pressure the muscles were extending created some frustration.

We adjusted the software to offer relevant complete replies for one click continuity of conversation. The artificial intelligence and machine learning read the context of the message thread and offering relevant replies in one click. The clients response from this change was very welcomed.

Verbal Input to Text.

There are multiple input methods which included voice to text the issues in this case was the voice box was inconsistent for the application.

Smart home

Seeing the clients move around the house on a walking frame I discovered additional actions that removed them from the core activity they wanted to do. Light switches in the wrong places, client safety getting to the switch in the dark. Returning to a dark home at night.

There are two schools of thought I use to implement the smart technology. Safety first, what happens if the internet is down. Can the client use the access method to the new technology.

Simply start with one globe and one voice assistant. You are looking to find the most appropriate course of action first clear up any uncertainties over time. Then you can add to the network.

Technology Choices.

The last thing you need is over complex amount of apps. each different brand will need the app installed. Imagine 4 different light bulb brands needing 4 different apps that then need usernames and password to each company then interconnected to the primary controller app.

In the client breaks their device someone may need to install all the apps username and passwords, so keep it simple.

My recommendation use a common brand from the major retailers which has a reasonable price point. Clients will always need to save money in the future. Using major retailers will assist the client and support worker visit the store for replacement and warranty.

Motion sensor bulbs.

In some cases I will use a motion sensor bulb to reduce complexity of the home. We don’t need some one talking to every light bulb in the house.

Naming of Smart items.

You will find general install of the smart devices the name of the each device should be changes from the generic name from the install otherwise to turn a light on the clients is quoting this ridiculous name or names as they walk around the house.


The Youtube music works well once interconnected to the system. I have found adding music on demand to the home adds a warmth to the home. The clients really appreciate this connection.

Radio connected and coached will assist in creating a warm environment.


Listening to the client you may discover they need reminders and routines. You can program work week into the virtual assistant. For example the clients can tell the virtual assistant they are home and turn on the light and read the news.

Morning wake up routines can simple be a fan turns on pushes wind across their face instead of alarm sounds. Or you can program their favourite music so people look forward to waking up.

Visual Calendar

Is being effective of telling the client of the next appointment in the day. Voice response with relevant information is proving a fantastic way to guide the participants. While the support workers can see the information on screen.

I hope you see this smart tecchnology is amazing change to how we ca help clients create wonderful lifestyles.

Please contact me if you have questions.

Allen Wade,


Dementia Technology Support