Low Vision -Smart Tags to Find items

We tend to add smart tags to the customer's bag and keys to find them later quickly. The benefit of this system is that it's portable; you can carry it with you anywhere you go. For instance, if we would connect the smart tag to the keys or a handbag we can locate them through various methods.

Connecting these smart tags to the virtual assist offers the client a method of asking the smart assistant to find and ring the smart tags. The smart tag will ring and or the item will be able to be found via GPS.

Both Apple and Tile have released smart tags which can provide this function. The important choice is the future costs and input output method for the client’s skills, devices and capabilities.

These smart tags can also be useful in other ways. For example, you can attach a smart tag to your pet's collar to track their location in case they get lost. This can be especially helpful if you have a pet that likes to wander off or is prone to running away.

Additionally, these smart tags can be used to keep track of valuable items like laptops or cameras. You can attach a smart tag to these items and use the virtual assistant to track their location if they are misplaced. This can be a great way to prevent the loss of valuable items and save yourself the hassle of searching for them.

Furthermore, these smart tags can be used to monitor the location of children or elderly family members. This can provide peace of mind for parents and caregivers who are worried about their loved ones wandering off or getting lost. The virtual assistant can provide real-time updates on the location of the person with the smart tag, allowing you to quickly and easily find them if they go missing.

Overall, the use of smart tags and virtual assistants can provide a wide range of benefits for both individuals and businesses. By attaching these smart tags to keys, bags, and other important items, you can easily locate them when they are misplaced. This can save you time and frustration, and provide peace of mind knowing that your valuable items are always within reach.


Essential Tremors - Virtual Assistants


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