Here are three key differences between ICT support and standard IT services:

Here are three key differences between ICT support and standard IT services:

  • Focus: ICT support for individuals with disabilities centres around the client's specific condition, capacity and goals. This means that the technology is customised to meet their individual needs. Standard IT services, on the other hand, take a more generic approach focusing on standard office or consumer needs. For example, while standard IT might help resolve email syncing issues, ICT support would focus on how to integrate cloud services like OneDrive in a way that is accessible for someone with mobility challenges.

  • Scope: ICT specialists provide an end-to-end service that considers the client’s entire technology ecosystem. They have expertise across multiple platforms and can integrate devices, such as syncing a smartphone with a PC and assistive hardware like switches or adaptive keyboards. They also provide advanced customisation beyond basic configurations, enabling features like live captions, voice commands and device-to-device mirroring. Standard IT services, as offered by phone shops or libraries, have a limited scope. Phone shops focus on selling devices and basic setup, and library IT staff typically only assist with basic computer use and navigation of public systems.

  • Delivery: ICT support is most effective when delivered in the client’s home. This allows specialists to assess the client’s living space and optimise smart home devices, Wi-Fi networks and accessibility tools in the environment where they will be used. It also enables hands-on testing and real-time problem-solving. Standard IT services are not typically delivered in-home and therefore lack this personalised approach.


Long-Term Cost Benefits of Tailored ICT Support


Tailored ICT Support & Caregiving Efficiency